1. Keep a dream Journal
In which you record all of your dreams. When you have collected at least a dozen dreams, proceed to the next step.
2. Catalog your dreamsigns
While continung to collect dreams, mark the dream signs in your dream repors. Underline them, and list them after each dream description.
3. Classify each dreamsign
Using the dreamsign inventory. next to each dreamsign on your list, write the name of its category from the dreamsign inventory. For instance,if you dreamed of a person with the head of a cat, this would be a form dreamsign.
4.Pick target dreamsign categories
Count how many times each dreamsign category (inner awareness, action, form, or context) occurs and rank them by frequency.
Whichever occurs most often will be your target dreamsign category in the next step. If there is a tie between categories, pick the one that appeals to you.
5. Practice looking for dreamsigns
While you are awake Make a habit of examing your daily life for events that fit under your dreamsign category. For instance, if your target category is action, study how you, other people, animals, objects, and machines act and move.
Become thoroughly familiar with the way things usually are in waking life. This will prepare you to notice when something unusual happens in a dream.
Reference: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming: Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. & Howard Rheingold