Made Of Dreams


Dream Dictionary - Body - Parts - Head - Womb

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Dream Dictionary - Body - Parts - Head - Womb

The head is considered to be the principle part of the body. because it is the seat of the life force, it denotes power and wisdom. Dreaming of the head suggests that we should look very carefully at the way we deal with both intelligence and folly. 

The head is considered to be the principle part of the body. because it is the seat of the life force, it denotes power and wisdom.

Dreaming of the head suggests that we should look very carefully at the way we deal with both intelligence and folly. To dream of the head being bowed suggests supplication. When the head is covered we may be covering up our own intelligence or acknowledging somebody else's superiority.

A blow to the head in a dream can indicate that we should reconsider our actions in a particular situation.

Heart: The heart is the centre of the being and represents 'feeling' wisdom rather than intellectual wisdom. It also representative of compassion and understanding.

Heel: This suggests the part of ourselves which is strong but, at the same time, vulnerable.

Jaw:The jaw often is representative of our self-expression. it also, on a more esoteric lecel, suggests the opening to the underworld.Kidneys: The kidneys are organs of elimination, therefore to dream of them is to be aware of the need for cleansing.

Knees: The knees are symbolic of prayer and supplication, and of emotional committment.

Limbs:Whether it is partly to do with some kind of cellular memory and the growth process that takes place is uncertain, but in dreams any limb can be taken to mean sexuality and fears associated with gender  issues.

Being Dismembered:can be take in its literal sense - we are being torn apart. Sometimes this can suggest the need to restructure our lives and begin again.Being Dismembered:can be take in its literal sense - we are being torn apart.

Sometimes this can suggest the need to restructure our lives and begin again.At other times it can indicate that there is a way in which we are being threatened to the very core of our existence.

Liver: The liver is representative of irritability and supresed anger.

Lungs: in Chinese medicine the lungs represent grief. They are also involved in decision-making, Spiritually, the lungs \re the seat of righteousness, and the source of thoughts concerning one Self.

Mouth: The mouth represent the devouring , demanding part of ourselves. It can also stand for the receptive side. The circumstances of the dream may give a clue to the correct interpretation. Sometimes the mouth can symbolise the feminine side of our nature.

Nose: The nose in dreams can stand for curiousity, and also intuition.

Penis: Dreaming of a penis either one's own or somebody else's - usually highlights the attitude to penerative sex.

Skin: Skin in a dream stands for our persona or the facade we create for others. Hard, tough skin shows we have created a tough exterior, and are trying to protect porselves.Stomach: - See abdomen in this section'

Teeth: Popularly teeth are supposed to stand for aggressive sexuality - although more properly they signify the growth process towards sexual maturity.

Teeth falling or coming out easily indicates we are aware of going through some form of transition, similar to that from childhood to maturity, or from maturity to old age and helplessness.If one is anxious about teeth dropping out it suggests there is a fear of getting old and undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing. In a woman's dream, if the teeth are swallowed this can signify pregnancy.

If one is anxious about teeth dropping out it suggests there is a fear of getting old and undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing. In a woman's dream, if the teeth are swallowed this can signify pregnancy.If one is anxious about teeth dropping out it suggests there is a fear of getting old and undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing. In a woman's dream, if the teeth are swallowed this can signify pregnancy.

Throat: Dreaming of the throat denotes awareness of our vulnerability and also of the need for self-expression.

Thumb: Dreaming of a thumb suggests awareness of how powerful we are. The thumb pointing upwards represents beneficial energy, poiting downwards is negative. This latter was used as the death signal for Roman gladiators.

Tongue: The tongue in dreams often signifies our ability to know when to speak and when to remain silent. It may also be to do with our own understanding of information that we wish to pass on to other people. 

We may have deeply felt beliefs we wish to share. Another explanation that is much more basic is that of the symbolism of the serpent and the phallus, and hence sexuality.

Urine:Urine in a dream often indicates our feelings about emotional control or bottle it up. How we deal with urine often also tells us a great deal about our own sexuality.

Vagina: Most often, dreams of the vagina are to do with one's self image. In a woman's dream, it highlights her receptivity. In a man's dream it suggests his need to be penetrative, both mentally and physically.

Womb: The womb represents a return to the beginning. We all have a need of basic security and shelter, and perhaps to do away with responsibility.Dreams of the womb can signify our need to satisfy those requirements.

On a slightly more esoteric level the womb represents our connection with the Great Mother or Mother Earth.Dreams of returning to the womb suggests our need to reconnect with the passive, more yielding side of our nature. We may need a period of self-healing and recuperation.

Reference: 10,000 Dreams Interpreted: Pamela Ball- The Complete Book of Dreams: Edwin Raphael 




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