Made Of Dreams


Tholey's Combined Technique - Lucid Dreaming

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Tholey's Combined Technique - Lucid Dreaming

Tholey has claimed that critical state testing has the single most effective technique for inducing lucid dreams out of several he has discussed ."His combined technique is based on critical state testing, and includes elements of his intention and autosuggestion techniques.

He doesn't make it clear whether or not the combined technique is superior to the reflection technique, but we believe that it is likely to be more effective. Tholey conjectures, apparently referring to the cpmbined technique.

....that whoever consistently follows the advice given can learn to dream lucidly. Subjects who have never previously experienced a lucid dream will have the first one after a median time of 4 to 5 (weeks) , with great interindividual deviation.

Under the most favourable circumstances the subject will experience his first lucid dream during the very first night, under unfavourable circumstances only after sevral months.

Practice in attaining the critical-reflective frame of mind is only necessary in the beginning phase, which may last a number of months.

Later on, lucid dreams will occur even if the subject has not asked himself the critical question during the day. The frequency of lucid dreams then depends to a large extent on the will of the subject. Most subjects who consistently follow the above advice experience at least one lucid dream every night."

I Have modified Tholey's combined technique in view of my own experience.

Reference: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming: Stephen LaBerge, ph.D. & Howard Rheingold




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